Learn Your Name in Morse Code

The 11th of January is ‘Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day’.
I used this day as inspiration to create a fun little side project and created this short animated loop. I tried to keep the project as simple as possible while making it interesting to look at. I like how the orangy/red colors pop on the dark green background and how the sound design brings all of it to live.

Learn Your Name in Morse Code

The 11th of January is ‘Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day’.
I used this day as inspiration to create a fun little side project and created this short animated loop. I tried to keep the project as simple as possible while making it interesting to look at. I like how the orangy/red colors pop on the dark green background and how the sound design brings all of it to live.

Fictionizer | 3D Animatie | Animatiestudio Den Bosch

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